Why do you twist yarn?
The process of spiral-arranging fibers of different materials around the axis of a yarn is called twisting. Without twisting, the strand of fibers by them self would be weak, but the twists binds and holds the fibers together. The radial pressure generated in the yarn by twisting packs the fibers together, increasing the force between them, creating a self locking effect that makes the end product stronger.
By adjusting parameters as turns per meter, twist pressure and twist direction SKS can add or fine-tune features that is benefiting the downstream users processes and can also be used to dramatically change the characteristics of the end product for example its elasticity and strength.
Hybrid twisting

Hybrid twisting is one of the most complicated processes in twisting industry where two or more different fibers are twisted together. Hybrid yarns are engineered yarns that can offer the exact performance of the customer request. The properties of the hybrid yarns is influenced by many parameters for example the type of fibre, spinning and twisting system and ratio of fibre.
SKS technologies

Ring Twisting
This is the classic workhorse in the twisting industry with a proud technical heritage. The advantage of ring twisting is that it produces high-quality yarn with a low likelihood of filament breakage and that the technique is very versatile.

TFO Twisting
In this process, the twisted yarn gets two ply twists with just one spindle turn which makes it a very efficient twisting method. The yarn is then winded directly onto paper tubes.

Direct Cable Twisting
Direct cabling is a single-stage process in which two yarns are wrapped around each other in the same operation. This makes it a very efficient twisting method and the yarn is wound onto paper tubes.